Lodewijk Franciscus Hendrik ‘Louis’ Apol
(The Hague, 1850-1936)
Winter forest at dusk
Gouache on paper, 21 x 15 cm, signed lower left.
Louis Apol (1850-1936) was the only master painter of the Hague School who fully dedicated himself to painting winter landscapes and snowy forest views. He managed to combine the atmosphere of Romantic paintings with impressionist techniques to catch the mood of the tranquil landscapes. Apol received a scholarship from king Willem III to further develop his artistic talent, under the tutelage of the Romantic painter J.F. Hoppenbrouwers and the landscape painter P. Stortenbeker. He used the techniques he acquired to create impressions of landscapes, rather than creating a faithful representation. Although he drew inspiration from real landscapes near The Hague and Arnhem, and even from his trip to Nova Zembla in the 1880’s, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly which landscape he painted where. Nature plays the main role in Apol’s paintings: human figures play a secondary role, if they are present at all. He participated in exhibitions at home and abroad since 1869 and received many awards for his artworks.